Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wednesday November 5

Hello all
I had a hard time dragging myself away from the tv this morning to come into the center. We get the CBS news live and I was having a great time watching the election returns come in. We've been watching the updates on line, too and by now it looks pretty certain that the US will have its very first black president. I am proud of that fact. The coverage in Asia, particulary China, has been that for the United Statese to elect a black president is proof that anyone in America can achieve a dream. The students here are also excited about it, and although they don't know a lot about Democrat Vs Republican, they have been following the campaign closely. I have been surprised at the amount of interest there is among regular folks in Macau and China.

Part of my jobis to spend from 12 - 2:00 at lunch with the students. Today we tried to explain the song"Time in a bottle" and the restaurant "Thyme in a bottle" to one of the advanced English students. It was a lot of fun to see the light bulb come on when we finally made it clear. One of the Chinese teachers who teaches Cantonese to Mandarin speakers, and takes English classes came in wanting to know what chicken stock was. He knew about soup, but didn't know the term stock. He is actually quite fluent. I know that at Deere there were many times when I assumed students knew the meaning of a word because it seemed common to me, but they had no clue. Always something to learn, I guess.

We had about 30 people at Bible class last night, and we had Chinese watermelon as a snack afterward. It was so good. We should learn how to grow them in the US.

It is always good to l hear from home. If you want to post a comment, just click on where the number of comments is given. That will take you to the comment page.

My time here is half over already. I will be ready to come home in another 10 days.



Unknown said...

Proud to be an American (where have I heard that before?), more than ever! We stayed up late last night to watch Barack's speech at Grant Park in Chicago. It was just so inspiring and uplifting. I truly believe our nation will be better for having elected this man. Of course, I am "paying the piper" today for that short night.
Lois, I believe you are representing our country well and thos people with whom you come in contact will have an improved impression of the US because of you (and Obama, of course)
Today is Pride of the Spartan...you probably remember these mornings! The fun just doesn't stop around JD.

coffeejill said...

What a great day to be an American!!!

So glad you were able to get coverage of the election last night and were able to follow it along with all of us here!

Tyler, Devin, and Cassie all voted in their first presidential election yesterday....that was pretty cool. I waited to vote until Tyler got home from school, and we went together. I was so proud of him. He was so well behaved, and had really thought about the issues, and who he wanted to vote for.

And....even though we voted for different people, I was proud of the way he took the responsibility of voting seriously.

I really enjoy hearing your anecdotes about cultural and language differences...keep up the good work! I am so proud of you!